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I am a undergraduate student at a well known research univeristy in the South.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Looking Back

As I take the time to reflect on the issues I have researched, I am confident to say that my ability to think has definitely grown throughout this project. Before I started this project, I had never written a blog, replied to a blog, or really known anything about the blogging world. I always thought that blogs were a bunch of non-sense and that they were used as a form of diary. I now know that my original understanding was completely off guard and that blogging sites can actually be very informative.

Throughout this project I have not only learned about myself, but I have become much more informed about the issues pertaining to my topic of making the world a greener place. I choose this topic because it is a rising issue in our country, and although I knew some information I wanted to learn more and see what I can do living as your average college student.

Obviously the ability to recycle items that can be reused: paper, cans, plastic I have known about since I was a child, but I never knew how much garbage is taking over our precious land and how a large portion of the waste in landfills can actually be recycled. I've never understood that. Recycling is not difficult at all; there are plenty of containers and most towns pick it up for free, yet we still have so many Americans that have the attitude that it's not their problem to deal with. Truth is that it will become every one's problem if we don't do something about it.

Out of the entire project I probably learned the most about our fresh water crisis. This was something that I knew nothing about, but once I started doing research I was amazed at what I found. I had no idea that the world's fresh water supply was at such a depressing and risky low. I felt like I needed to express this information with all you readers because water is the most important resource that we have and if we lose it, we're going to be losing a lot more than just fresh water. I was able to find appliances that people can use in their homes to help save water in addition to valuable water saving strategies. I was also able to find out how the government is dealing with this issue and how reusable water techniques have already taken effect.

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