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I am a undergraduate student at a well known research univeristy in the South.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

3 Impressive Blogs

Three blogs that I spend a lot of time reading are Jumping the Fence, Homeland Security, and Reenergize Tired Earth.

Jumping the Fence:
This is one of my favorite blogs to read. It is very nicely put together and uses creative elements throughout the blog for entertainment. The blog discusses important issues regarding immigration and the effects that it has on our country and its citizens. The writer brings up very bold issues related to the topic and provides great information to support her stance.

Homeland Security:
This blog discusses the actions taken by the Department of National Security in the United States. It discusses areas that need to be more closely monitored with security. It’s main focus; however, is based on airport security, and it elaborates on the ways in which new technology can help alleviate the current airport security status. The blog covers a very interesting main topic; therefore, contributing to great commentary and questions.

Reenergize Tired Earth:
This blog discusses the importance of alternate energy resources. The writer stresses that the United States has grown more dependent on oil for energy, and how alternate resources need to be used in order to save our natural resources. Not only to save our lingering resources, but to also help make the Earth a more eco-friendly place.

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